現代金工作家 泉公士郎(柳泉)氏により、世に名高い宮本武蔵三作の目貫から、名品二点が忠実に
Two of the renowned three piece Menuki by Miyamoto Musashi were replicated as genuine
article by Izumi Koshiro (Ryusen) who is a nationally famed metalsmith master.
We hope you enjoy the modern work of art.

・一羽雁図(写)無銘 Design of Ichiwakari (Single Goose) Unsigned
 素材 (material):素銅地烏銅象嵌Copper with Shakudo (Alloy of copper with gold etc.) inlay
 寸法 (size) :約(about) 33×15 (mm)
 価格 (price) :¥200,000 + 消費税 (consumption tax)
・お玉杓子図(写)無銘 Design of Otamajakushi (Tadpole) Unsigned,
 素材 (material):山銅地Unrefined copper
 寸法 (size) :約(about) 40×12 (mm)
 価格 (price) :¥200,000 + 消費税 (consumption tax)
※ 桐箱、紙貼箱(引出し付)、解説書付。
With wood & outer box and English description.
※ 海外からのご注文の場合は、免税価格にてご購入可能です。
In case of order from overseas, Tax-free price is available.
※ 送料につきましては、別途お問合せください。
Please contact us about shipping charge.